Through carefully considered practices and procedures, it is our aim to work safely in all we do, complying and surpassing the requirements of our industry’s legislations. We also aim to demonstrate this ethic to our customers, suppliers, sub-contractors and anyone else who may be affected by our work.
All our staff are adequately instructed and trained for the jobs they do and the health and safety requirements, which affect the way they work. They are empowered to raise issues and concerns with senior management, who will assess the risk surrounding the operation and implement procedures as required.
Senior managers also demonstrate leadership in health and safety to ensure that any hazards are identified and managed and all our people are informed of the health and safety risks that affect their work. They will take action to prevent, reduce or control risks to an acceptable level.
All accidents, incidents and near misses will be investigated. Any lessons learnt from such events will be used to take corrective action to prevent future recurrences. We will actively review practices and procedures with the sole intention of improving health and safety at work and reducing the occupational risks as much as possible.